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ShellPoint Mortgage Servicing - Racketeering Still going on with "pretend lender/sesrvicers"


Have never heard back from them as they know they were a "pretend lender/serivcer" who forced me basically into a short sale with all the money I lost and not being able to fight back as I had to pay out more than $100,000 per year for the full time 24 hour care of my lovely dear sweet mom who passed away last year at the age of 95. There people were terrible from the start when nasty, crooked old Bank of America made claim they "service transferred" on on my initial Countrywide Home Loans to them.

No one has ever been able to provide a true and clear "chain of title", absolute and verified loan transfer documents and certainly NO financial proof of any kind which has always been part of a nationwide scam on behalf of all the big lenders. Many of them did like Bank of America when they made claim they had taken over my initial five (5) Countrywide loans. For over 6 years now they have tried to intimate and force me into foreclosure because they could NOT produce anything through different law offices other than copies of forged, fabricated, phony, and even "robosigned documents"- on behalf of people like Michele Sjolander (you can verify all this on the Internet and read about Sjolander's testimony all the way back to 2012. The only reason, in my humble opinion, that the government has not taken action on this HUGE CESSPOOL is the fact that our very own government is part of the scam and problem.

Read David Dayen's "Chain of Title" (a real eye opener) and try to get FHFA, GSE, Fannie Mae, the USDOJ or any congrees people to reply- they know this grand scam of ripping off the American Public, using our funds for bailout money that never found its way to the homeowners, and look at all the wrongful foreclosures that have taken place across our wonderful country. Like I said before, the goverment should have bailed out us property owners by paying money to us directly with two stipulations - 1) pay off your mortgage and 2) buy a new car!!!

Maybe they will figure all this out one day and stick it to the lenders who wholeheartedly deserve all of this!!! Semper Fi.

Reason of review: phony, forged, fabricated, robosigned documents and phony claims of representation.

Monetary Loss: $100000.

Preferred solution: cash of $1 million dollars for all the harm done on all five loans and honest modifications that should have been offered not the phony ones as state in the case in Colorado where the "Appeals court" ruled against Urban Settlement Services and Bank of Ame.

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Did they win this case?


Wow, God is routing the enemy, seemingly without evening lifting His little left finger.